Did you check out the May 2022 Power BI update? I am genuinely excited about this release! So many great features to check out. However, the standout favorite from this release is the introduction of field parameters. I started playing with it and quickly discovered it is possibly my favorite release this year!

To set the scene, let me give you a common scenario that I encounter. Everyone wants to sort and view their data their way. With various dimensions and measures, there are endless possibilities when it comes to designing your report. Let’s say I have three categories that I can use against six measures. I could end up creating 18 different visualizations to handle all of these combinations. But with field parameters, I can simplify that process!

Enable the Preview

At the time I am writing this article, field parameters are a preview feature. You need to enable the feature first in order to use it. Go to the files menu, select options and setting, and click on options. From there, you need to go to the preview features section and enable field parameters.

Enabling the field parameters preview feature

Finish enabling the feature by restarting Power BI. As a result you will be ready to use field parameters in your report!

Creating Field Parameters

If you follow my blog, you will find the process to create field parameters similar to what if parameters. To create a field parameter, go to the modeling tab and select field under the new parameter menu.

Adding a field parameter

Next, we give our parameter a name. To keep things basic, I am naming mine dimensions. Then I add any fields I want to use as a parameter. I set my order and click create when I am ready.

Setting up field parameters

Two new things appear. The most obvious is a slicer on the report canvas. But there is also a new table that appears in the field list. We will be using that with our visual in a moment.

New slicer and table in Power BI

With the field parameter in place, it is time to apply it to a visual. Using a simple column chart, I will put my parameter on the X Axis. Then I will add my revenue measure to the Y Axis. With this in place, I can quickly jump between my parameters.

By default, we see revenue by segment
We also can see revenue by product
And revenue by country

How cool is that?! We took one visual and made it easy to pivot around with different dimensions. Talk about providing context while managing your report canvas!

Do Measures Work As Well?

You bet! Similar concept applies here. You create a new field parameter like above and add measures. A new slicer is added. Once in place, I add it to my Y Axis and start manipulating my chart.

Adding measures as field parameters

And if you had a keen eye, you also might be wondering if you can do multi-select on the slicer. And if you guessed yes, then you were right!

Selecting multiple parameters on a chart

And if you wanted to go a step further, you could apply the same principle to a table or matrix visual too.

Field parameters applied to a table

Done well, you could essentially create a simple pivot table inside of Power BI that your users can manipulate with a few clicks.

The Use Case for Field Parameters

Plain and simple, the use case for field parameters is enabling you to scale visualizations with minimal effort. Based upon our three dimensions and six measures, we would need to find space for all of these charts. This solution simplifies the need to create space for all of these options.

Even without this feature, we could make something like this work. A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article on using bookmarks to accomplish this task. It works well, but field parameters make it faster and easier to maintain. If you need to make changes, you might spend additional time updating each individual visual.

You also could allow users to customize visuals in the Power BI Service. They could accomplish the same goal on their own, but there is one problem – most people don’t know how to do it! Pair that with an unfamiliar data model and it can become a recipe for disaster. This solution guides the user to use the right fields to simplify their experience.

Anything Else to Consider?

I think the only major thing left to think about is your slicer behavior. My measures were pretty similar, so it would be okay to allow the multi-select behavior. However, if I had a measure calculating a percentage, I might need to enforce a single select to avoid issues with the scale of values.

Personally, this is one of those simple enhancements that is really going to make an impact for me. How about you? Are you going to try out field parameters in your reports? Tell me in the comments below!