Nothing is worse than a cluttered report canvas. This is one of the most common pieces of feedback I provide to customers on a regular basis. The idea that you can pack as much information into a single view is honestly obnoxious and leads to confusion. If readers have a hard time understanding the canvas, they will not understand the message you are communicating with your report. And the experience is worse if you have half of the canvas covered with slicers!

In addition to the confusion, it has the chance to impact your report performance. As you add visualizations to the Power BI canvas, you will hurt the overall performance of your report. Because each visual must be rendered and associated data queried from the model, it will impact the responsiveness when loading. But a little known secret about Power BI is that if you hide the visualization from the canvas, it does not impact the performance.

This is where slicer panels come in. Instead of having a cluttered canvas full of slicers that is slow to load, we can hide these slicers and activate them when needed. This is a small change to your canvas, but it provides a lasting impact. It only takes a few minutes to implement if you know how to do it.

Example of a cluttered report canvas.
Example of a cluttered report canvas

To resolve this issue, we will simply add a slicer panel to our report canvas. The best part of this is that we will be able to leverage our existing slicers to save us time!

Prepare the Slicer Panel

The first step in preparing the panel is adding a background. Go to the insert ribbon and insert a square shape from the dropdown. Once it appears, resize it and place it on the canvas. Personally, I add the slicer panel on the left side. However, you may choose to have it appear somewhere else on your canvas. My recommendation is to use whatever enhances your report design best is ideal.

Inserting a shape from the Insert ribbon to serve as the slicer panel
Inserting a shape for the slicer panel

Next, we need to add a way to close the panel. Under the insert ribbon, we will expand the button drop down. From here, you can pick the one that works best for you. I personally use the back button, but the reset button seems to work well for others too. You might need to perform some updates to the formatting so it is easily visible on your slicer panel.

Inserting an exit button from the button drop down to help us close the slicer panel.
Inserting an exit button for your slicer panel

Now that we have our panel in place, it is time to add our slicers.

Loading Slicers into our Panel

In our example, we already have our slicers in place. We are going to use the selection pane, found under the view ribbon. From there, we will re-order the items on our canvas so our panel appears above any visualization we add to our report. We also want to make sure our slicers sit on top of our shape so they are not hidden. Once this has been completed, you can arrange your slicers on the shape.

Updating the canvas order and placing the slicers in the right sequence for our slicer panel
Updating our canvas order and arranging our slicers

Next, as a best practice, we will want to rename our shape and our button. The traditional way to perform this task is to update the title under the general settings of the format visualization pane. However, there is an easier way to perform this action! Instead, just double click on the object on the selection pane and you can update it right there.

Renaming objects on the Power BI canvas using the selection pane by double clicking on the object name.
Renaming objects on the Power BI canvas

You will note that I have also grouped these objects together by selecting them, right-clicking, and selecting group. I renamed the group the same way I did with the other objects. This is not required, but makes life a lot easier for the next step.

Show and Hide your Slicer Panel

Now that we have our panel in place, it is time to hide it. To accomplish this task, we will use bookmarks. I have already written extensively about how to leverage bookmarks in a previous post. If you are not sure how to leverage them, please use that link to learn more. In this article, I am just going to show you how I quickly configure them so the panel will appear and disappear when desired.

I have already added two bookmarks – one to open and one to close the slicer panel. I will simply configure my bookmark to only update the selected visuals I have clicked on and update the slicer. In the image below, I am opening the slicer panel, so it is visible. However, I will just simply hide the visuals for closing the panel.

Configuring bookmarks to only update the selected visuals ensuring that only the slicer panel will be affected by the opening and closing of my report.
Updating bookmarks to open and close the slicer panel

Now that this is in place, I just need to update the actions on my buttons. To apply the close slicer panel action, I will select by button in the slicer panel, go to the format pane and expand action. Once there, I will set the type of action to bookmark and select my Close Slicer Panel bookmark. I will do the same to the open slicer button inside of my report footer.

Adding the bookmark action to the button to close the slicer panel
Applying the close slicer panel action to the close slicer panel button

Now that you have this in place, you can easily open and close your slicer panel. To test this in Power BI desktop, you will need to hold down the control key to activate the action. However, that will not be required when you publish the report to the Power BI Service.

Short video of the slicer panel opening and closing in Power BI
Opening and closing the slicer panel

Just like that, we have provided more space on our report canvas and made it easier to view!

Anything else to consider?

If you remember, I put my slicers in a group with the panel objects. While not required, it is a best practice. The reason for this is that you will at some point need to add a new slicer to your report. To make it easier on yourself, the group allows you to update the objects without having to update your bookmarks.

When I am in a hurry, I feel like bookmarks never update the way they are supposed to. The result is in a rushed experience that never works out. However, because I used groups, I can simply drag my slicer into the group and not have to make any adjustments to the bookmark. It is an extra step in the process, but it will save you considerable time and headaches in the future!


This is a small update for a report, but it really makes an impact. I know it takes extra time, but I promise you that it is worth the effort to preserve your canvas. This is especially helpful if you have reports using more than five slicers for a page.

Have you used a slicer panel before? Do you find them helpful? If so, tell me in the comments below!