Thank you for visiting! I am excited to share my thoughts and experience around all facets of data. I started this journey because of the frustration I often see others suffer from every time they try to effectively use data. My goal is to share some of the tips and tricks I have picked up along the way with tools like Power BI and Excel to simplify the process.

I also am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on the state of data literacy. It has an impact on the readability of content created and the consumers who view it. Frequently I find horrible examples of data visualization out in the wild. Sadly, I see these examples being produced by organizations who claim to hold themselves to high standards. I want to bring these examples to light, dissect them, and show you how to improve them. Report viewers do not always think about these things. Together, we can change how content creators put together reports that are more accessible by consumers.

So thank you for joining me here and letting me share my stories! I look forward to us both learning together!