Making sense of challenging data topics one step at a time.

Category: Best Practices

Self Service Analytics Does Not Equal Easy

This is a difficult post to write. From a personal perspective, I really struggle with this topic. In my daily work, I assist organizations with enabling a self service data strategy. Collaborating together, we spend hours working to find the right path that matches the needs and goals of the organization with the realities of the organization. I am a huge advocate for self service analytics and believe in it. Because of this, I want to be ridiculously helpful with everyone I encounter.

Sadly, I run into people on a regular basis that want “a little help” to perform some analysis with Power BI or Excel. The problem with this is that the ask is quite complicated. The reality of my situation is that I can make the ask happen quickly. I can spend an hour or two on a report and it will look beautiful. Having worked with Power BI for almost ten years, I have a pile of experience to make it happen efficiently. But the requestor wants me to help them build it themselves. This takes three to five times longer because I am guiding someone through the process. And I am all for doing this because it helps enable another person to use Power BI or Excel.

While I am all for helping people, I find that their interest in learning about these tools is often non-existent. They have a goal in mind that needs to be completed and they think Power BI or Excel is an easy way out. It is a self service analytics tool, so it should be easy! And yet they find the opposite. Without taking taking the time to understand the basics, they end up lost.

What makes this hard for myself and others is that it cheapens the skills we possess as data professionals. Data is not easy. Personally, I find this approach to be a little insulting. So how do we fix this problem?

Setting Expectations for Self Service Analytics

I started responding to every request I receive with clear expectations around self service analytics. I explain the challenges and skills they need to possess before they embark on such a project. Sometimes this scares them off, but it is reasonable way to find alignment.

I often share the basics they will need to learn to be successful. I start with understanding data modeling. We start by talking about things like building a star schema, using a date table, and managing relationships. Sometimes a flat table from Excel or SharePoint is fine, but other times they want more depth and dimension to their reports. Without this in place, they will never achieve their goal.

Next, we discuss how to build out measures. Like every beginner, including myself at one time, they rely on implicit measures. These measures often provide basic aggregations and get the job done. However, they often ask for something more complex. They need to perform time based analysis or use filtering. They are going to need to learn how to write DAX expressions for explicit measures.

Lastly, we will discuss what report design looks like. Often, I have a theme file or template for the organization available, so this helps with branding. But it is important to address best practices with data visualizations. This avoids confusion and provides a better consumer experience.

Assign Some Homework

With expectations set, it is time to assign some homework. Self service analytics requires some investment. But before helping anyone, I assign some basic training. The concept is simple – if someone does not know the basics, they are never going to understand the advanced topics.

Microsoft Learn is my go to for training others around the basics of Power BI. Because it is free, the only real investment is time. It covers a lot of the basics of the tool and allows me to focus on the more advanced topics. I, just like you, need to protect my time. The more I can push to other resources, the easier it is for me to stay focused on my work.

There are two benefits from using this method. First, I can ask for a badge validating that they completed the training. However, I like that this method helps gauge the interest of someone who is asking for help. The course linked above takes about three hours to complete. If they cannot invest three hours in themselves, then why should you invest three hours in them? The answer to that question is up to you, but it sets expectations for the relationship you will encounter through this engagement.

Create Working Sessions

At this point, if they have completed their homework, I recommend creating working sessions to set boundaries. I start with setting up 45 minute sessions with a clear agenda. Ideally, a weekly working session is best. Naturally, you might need to schedule more frequent sessions based upon the business requirements. It is important that you agree upon the cadence to avoid conflict in the future.

For each working session, start with a recap of the previous session. Review the previous topic and any progress made since you last met. Then, work through the assigned topic for the current week. Make sure it is recorded so it can be referenced afterwards. Lastly, decide what the topic of the next working session. This helps keep future sessions focused and your timeline compact.

I recommend that you continue assigning homework. For example, if you have an upcoming working session that will focus on a particular DAX statement, provide resources ahead of time. If you have a measure that needs to use the SWITCH() function, send them to an article like this one to help them understand the concept ahead of time. You can also assign work to be completed in their report before the next session to streamline your working sessions.

As a rule of thumb, I work to keep sessions scheduled. An ad-hoc working session often ends up being a mess. You also have other deliverables and expectations from your leadership that could get in the way. If someone needs time with me between sessions, I generally ask them to schedule it. I feel like the “Can we hop on a quick call? I have a quick question!” conversation always comes at the most inopportune time. Setting these boundaries goes a long way to ensuring you can maintain a balance in your workday.

Provide Some Learning

It never hurts to provide additional learning and training. There are several sources out there. There are several books and sites out there to help. If you need help with Power Query, you can check out my book as an option to assist. If it is with DAX, I recommend The Definitive Guide to DAX by Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari. Lastly, you can suggest Now You See It by Stephen Few if they need help with data visualization.

At some point, you they will need to embrace self service analytics on their own. By providing materials, they can be focused on their learning and be able to sustain their own solutions. These resources will provide assistance both during your working sessions and in the future.

If self service analytics is a goal, investment in learning is key. I see customers who continue to struggle with this because they do not invest in training and learning. When you are working with an individual, at some point they will need to invest more in themselves to achieve that goal. If you do not help them head down that path, you will be stuck helping them forever.


I love helping people discover the world of self service analytics! I hope you are too! Just make sure you help others in a sustainable manner. These types of relationships are good to have, but you need to manage them well. Be ridiculously helpful – just take care of yourself as well!

Have you encountered this situation? Do you struggle with people who think self service analytics is easy? If so, tell me about it in the comments below!

Enable Self Help Overlays for Power BI Report Viewers

We can all use a little self help when it comes to Power BI Reports. I often need help with visualizations, formulas, or even our data sources themselves. A little help can go a long way! However, this post is not about that.

As a report creator, how often do you get asked about details around your visualizations? The questions I most frequently receive are focused on definitions of terms, how a metric is calculated, or how a particular visualization is filtered. In fairness, our report consumers do not live inside of our heads. Therefore, they do not know what we were thinking when we designed our reports. However, a little design change in your report can make all the difference. By adding a self help panel, we can eliminate these questions once and for all!

Preparing for self help

To get started, we need to take a screenshot of our report. I will use SnagIt to capture the report canvas only. If you do not have SnagIt or similar tool, you can easily use the Snipping Tool app inside of Windows. SnagIt allows me to be precise with my selection of the report canvas.

Screenshot of our Power BI Report to be used to design our self help overlay.
Screenshot of my report canvas

Once, I have my screenshot, I will open PowerPoint. I know, it seems crazy, but hang with me on this! I will create a new blank presentation, insert a blank slide, and paste my report screenshot on it.

Adding a screenshot of our Power BI Report inside of PowerPoint to prepare our self help overlay.
Adding my report screenshot to a slide in PowerPoint

With our canvas in place, it is time to work some magic in PowerPoint!

Create self help overlay objects

Our first step is to add a shape on top of our screenshot. First, go to the insert ribbon and expand the insert shape menu. Next, select the rectangle shape and cover your entire screenshot. Do not worry that we cannot see the screenshot as we will fix that next.

Inserting a rectangle shape in PowerPoint to serve as our self help overlay base
Inserting a shape inside of PowerPoint

Next, right click on the shape and select format shape. From there, expand the fill menu and change the color to black. Next, adjust the transparency to a level where we can see the canvas clearly, but realize there is something in front of it. In this scenario, 85% seems to be right for this report. Next, you can make adjustments to the border of the shape under the line section. This is a personal preference with building out self help, but I usually leave it enabled.

Formatting the overlay shape in PowerPoint as a base for our self help.
Making my overlay shape transparent

With our overlay in place, it is time to add our self help comments. Go back to the insert ribbon, expand shapes, and select one of the callout boxes at the bottom.

Inserting callout shapes in PowerPoint for the self help overlay.
Inserting callouts for the self help overlay

Keep adding callouts until you are satisfied with your overlay. I recommend erring on the side of too many callouts. However, make sure you still see the report canvas!

Final version of our self help overlay containing five callouts for our Power BI Report.
Report callouts for our self help overlay

With our overlay designed, it is time to add it to our Power BI Report!

Insert self help overlay into you Power BI Report

The first thing we must do is delete the old screenshot from the slide. Right click on your overlay shape and send it to back. Once you have completed that, you can delete the screenshot from the slide.

View of PowerPoint showing the self help overlay objects without the screenshot from Power BI

Self help overlay objects with no screenshot in PowerPoint

Next, we must save our self help objects as an image. Use Control + A to select all objects and Control + G to put them into a single group. After that, we right click on the overlay group and select save as picture. Save this picture to your device so you can access it in Power BI.

Right clicking on the self help overlay group and selecting save as picture so it can be used.
Save self help overlay group as an image in PowerPoint

Next, head back to Power BI, open the insert ribbon, select image, and insert our saved picture. Then, expand the image so it covers the entire report canvas. You will note two things. First, the image is transparent, so we do not hide the report canvas. Second, you will notice that the self help overlay does not reach the edges of the canvas. We can fix that by going to the general section of the format pane, expanding properties, and set padding for all sides to zero.

Inserting a self help overlay image into a Power BI Report canvas and adjusting the padding.
Inserting self help overlay into Power BI

Now that this has been inserted, we just need to add a few bookmarks to make it appear when we want it to be visible!

Expose self help overlay with bookmarks

Now that we have our overlay in place, it is time to hide it. To accomplish this task, we will use bookmarks. I have already written extensively about how to leverage bookmarks in a previous post. If you are not sure how to leverage them, please use that link to learn more. In this article, I am just going to show you how I quickly configure them so the self help overlay will appear and disappear when desired.

I have already added two bookmarks – one to open and one to close the self help overlay. I will simply configure my bookmark to only update the selected visuals I have clicked on and update the slicer. In the image below, I am opening the self help overlay, so it is visible. However, I will just simply hide the visuals for closing the overlay.

Updating the bookmarks to only show the self help overlay when selected and not impact the entire report canvas.
Updating bookmarks for self help overlay

Now that this is in place, I just need to update the actions on my help button and overlay image. To apply the close self help overlay action, I will select overlay image in the the report, go to the format pane and expand action. Once there, I will set the type of action to bookmark and select my close self help overlay bookmark. I will do the same to the open self help button inside of my report footer.

Setting the action properties on our image to use the close self help overlay to hide our help image
Applying the close self help overlay bookmark to our overlay image

Now that you have this in place, you can easily open and close your self help overlay. To test this in Power BI desktop, you will need to hold down the control key to activate the action. However, that will not be required when you publish the report to the Power BI Service.

Opening and closing the self help overlay on the Power BI Report canvas.
Opening and closing the self help overlay

And just like that, we have enabled your viewers to learn more about your report with a single click!

Anything else to consider?

As convenient as the self help overlay is for your viewers, there is an additional burden for you to keep the overlay up to date. I recommend that you save your PowerPoint file for easy access and updates in the future. This will save you time in the future

I always recommend having a checklist of steps that must be completed when publishing content to the Power BI service. If you choose to use a self help overlay, a step must be added to ensure it is still valid. This will prevent any confusion from your report viewers in the future.


This seems like a trivial addition to a report, but I promise it makes life easier. Any chance you have to eliminate the questions coming to you is time well spent. While it is a little design intensive and adds a burden to future updates, it creates a better overall experience for your report viewers. I highly recommend trying it out once or twice in a development environment so you feel comfortable doing it in production.

So, have you ever created a self help overlay? Have you found it helpful? Or are you a viewer who has benefited from an overlay? Tell me about it in the comments below!

Which Tool When – Parameters in Power BI

The word parameters is a little ambiguous when it comes to Power BI. I have written a number of articles that reference parameters, but never took the time to clarify their use cases. I wanted to dive in to the different types of parameters and understand the best way to use them. Paired with some tips and tricks, you will have a better idea of how to use all kinds of parameters in your reports.

Parameters in Power Query

In my opinion, parameters in Power Query are the most in your face. When you launch the Power Query editor, there is a button on the home ribbon that helps you manage them. But have you ever used them?

Parameters in Power Query allow you to add reusable values in your queries. The premise is simple – if you keep using the same value over and over again, why not make it easy on yourself?

How to Leverage It

To get started, open the Manage Parameters window in Power Query. From there, create a new parameter and give it a meaningful name. From there, you just need to specify the type of value, add your value, and click OK. Since I am creating a parameter for a reusable API key, I am just using text and adding in my key.

Creating a Parameter in Power Query

Now that I have the parameter in place, I can use it in an existing query. Since I was looking to easily reuse an API key, I can go and update my queries.

Leveraging my Parameter with Another Query

As an added bonus, I can share my full query without having to remember to hide my API key!

Common Use Cases

While the API key use case above is one of my favorite stories to tell, there are a few other key use cases.

One of the most famous use cases is when you need to create parameters for Incremental Refresh or Hybrid Tables. You need to create a RangeStart and RangeEnd parameters to setup the filtering on the report.

Another great use case is when you need to quickly change values to filter a report. In a past life, I worked for a company that had APIs for external reporting. Since customers always wanted similar reports, I created them with parameters so I could quickly update the API key and customer id. When a new customer wanted a custom report, I just updated the parameters to get their data in, made some adjustments, and sent the report out.

Tips and Tricks

Tip #1 – If you save your Power BI Desktop file (PBIX) as a template (PBIT), you will be prompted to enter the parameters when you use it. This helps save you a few clicks.

Tip #2 – All of your parameters can easily be updated in the Power BI Service without having to open the desktop file. Go to your data source settings and you will find the parameters section. This allows you to update your parameters like API keys with minimal effort.

Tip #3 – If you are using a deployment pipeline, you can easily swap between your Dev-Test-Prod databases. Just set parameters for your server and database fields in the advanced editor window and update them in the Power BI Service.

Function Parameters

Not as common of a use case, but functional parameters allows you to reuse a query quickly. I go into great detail on why to use functions with my article on how to use REST APIs in Power BI, but in short, they allow us to scale a base query rapidly.

How to Leverage It

One of my favorite endpoints pulls stock information by ticker symbol. I could build multiple queries and append them, but a function makes it easier. I just need to add a little code at the top to convert my base query to accept a parameter.

Parameters in a Power Query Function

I specified the parameter that I wanted to gather and then apply it in the query. When I go to use the function, I will be prompted to specify the parameter so the query works properly.

Common Use Cases

I frequently use function parameters with APIs. Because some API endpoints require dynamic values, you will need to iterate with a function like I did with the stock symbols.

Another common use case for me is building common elements I might use in a report. If I am running into queries that are using paging , I can grab a function and invoke it to build out my base. Another common use case is to build out a date table when one is not available in my data source. Of course these are things we want to do as far upstream as possible, but if you are not in control of your database, you might need to create your own.

Tips and Tricks

Tip #1 – Invoking a function as a column is an easy way to specify your parameters with existing column values. The function will run on each row of your query using the values in the columns identified. It is a quick and easy way to apply a function!

Tip #2 – You can edit a query and add a function by hand. Just make sure you specify your parameter in the function or it will not work. I use this all the time for token based authentication with APIs.

Tip #3 – If you are using a few different API endpoints, you can create a base function to handle the majority of your query. Just add a parameter to the function to specify the endpoint. From there, you can add your endpoint or table name in the parameter field and invoke the function which speeds up your connection time.

What If Parameters

What if parameters are different than the other two parameters we discussed. Power Query and function parameters really help us with querying data efficiently. What if parameters are all about what you could do with your data.

How to Leverage It

We often find what if parameters when you want to run some simulated scenarios. I recently did a deep dive on what if parameters, but at a high level, we have two components.

The first component is the creating the parameter itself. We will go to the modeling ribbon and select new parameter. A new window will open and I can specify key components of my parameter which include the name, data type, minimum, maximum, increment value, and default. Once I click OK, a new slicer will appear.

But that was the easy part. We now have a new measure that is <Parameter Name> Value. This brings back the value you selected in your parameter. We now can use this measure in a measure to get our value. You will need to use a little DAX, but it is worth the extra effort.

Common Use Cases

The most common use case is to simulate revenue increases. I add the parameter to a formula that takes their current revenue and shows the change. Everyone is trying to make more money, so it makes sense.

One of my favorite use cases is to help filter data. I built a report that compared property assessments in my town. I used a what if parameter to help filter 3,500 properties to only a handful. Using key values such as year built, livable square footage, and lot size, the parameters found similar houses to the one I selected. Instead of having to fool around with filters, I could just quickly adjust my report parameters instead.

Tips and Tricks

Tip #1 – Always have the parameter make the slicer when you can. You can hide it in the selection panel if you don’t want to use it, but the slider is so nice. It makes the mobile experience even better!

Tip #2 – If you are using a number of parameters, don’t be afraid to create a page for your parameters. You can just sync the slicers to other report pages. This prevents clutter and speeds up load time for a page sine there are less objects in the view.

Tip #3 – You can create your own what if parameters with a custom table. This is nice when you want to use a non-numeric parameter. This is a common practice for filtering reports on things like top/bottom views.

Parameters on Parameters

You might have gotten to this point and said “Wow – I had no clue that this term is so widely used!”. I think it is important to understand the different kinds of parameters because they really can make an impact on your reports. Some of my reports maybe only use one of these while others use all three. The key is understanding how to properly use them.

Have you used any of these parameters before? Do you find them helpful in your report design and data models? If so, tell me in the comments below!

Mr. Bad Example – Bar and Column Charts Best Practices

I cannot begin to express how often I see bad examples of data visualization. Sometimes it is unintentional but it can have far reaching implications. Not following best practices and visualization standards often misleads report consumers and eventually bad decisions.

Even worse, report creators often manipulate these visuals to get the data to support their narrative. I am all for sharing a narrative with data but I draw the line at manipulation. If you have to twist and manipulate your visuals to tell your story, it is probably time to get a new story.

I am passionate about this topic because I watch people manipulated by these visuals all of the time. Sales presentations, all hands meetings at work, poll results, and even the news media commit these violations. My goal for this article is two fold. The first is to help you understand the why of these best practices for your own reports. The second is to help you identify these violations in the wild and help call them out.

My articles usually focus on Power BI. However, this article applies to any visualization tool you will encounter.

The Importance of Best Practices and Visualization Standards

You might be asking to your self “why is Dominick so passionate about this?” To me, the loss is considerable if you are not careful. Here are some common scenarios where not following best practices can get you into trouble.

Financial Costs

This is the first scenario that often comes to mind when it comes to bad visualizations. We use reports and visualizations to make data driven decisions.

Let’s pretend you own a store that sells widgets. You take a look at a chart that shows your sales doubling month over month. As a shop owner, you might double your order for next month because if the trend continues you want to be prepared. It totally makes sense! You double up your orders (or even triple them) to meet demand.

Column Chart Showing Revenue Doubling Each Month

However, I left something out of this chart. There was no scale and my axis did not start at zero. In fact, I never actually doubled my sales. I only had a 10% increase of sales month over month.

Column Chart Showing the Same Data Above with Proper Scale and Labels

Now you might be thinking that this really is not a big deal as widgets do not have an expiration date. But the implications of this could be considerable as you took cash in hand and put it into inventory. You still have an assets on hand with the widgets, but you will need to sell them to make sure you have cash on hand. This could put you in a bind as an owner as you could potentially become “cash poor” which results in trouble paying bills, making payroll, and even paying yourself.

Someone Could Get Fired

Have you ever created a report that could get someone fired? I have!

One of the most common reports I see are around service level agreements – also known as SLAs. SLAs determine effectiveness of a process or service. Contracts include these metrics that help determine success of services.

Remember when pizza shops had the “30 minutes or its free” guarantee? It went away before I was old enough to buy my own pizza. Likely because someone did an analysis of their metrics and found they were not delivering enough pizzas on time.

If you managed a pizza shop, you might have had an SLA of delivering pizzas in under 30 minutes 97% of the time. That means out of 100 orders, three of them could be free because they did not make it on time. Your district or regional manager likely has a report showing your performance. What if they showed a report that showed a trend where your on time delivery metric dropped significantly. You might be in danger of losing your job for not performing as expected.

But if the chart is only moving from 99% of the time to 98%, it is still above the SLA and overall not too bad. The point here is that visualizations not following best practices can imply someone is not performing well in their job. This leads to someone getting disciplined even if they are performing well in their job.

Your Future Ambitions

People are often looking for ways to grow their career. They put together statistics and figures to show how great they are and why they deserve a raise or promotion. They might also provide some of the same information to help those above them move up the ladder as well. But what do you think the implications are if your visualizations used for this purpose are found to not use best practices?

I see it as a breech of trust. While it may seem insignificant at the moment, the impact could be long term in your career. Every report created could be scrutinized and called into question. It seems crazy but the potential is there. If a decision made from the report costs your organization a considerable amount, you might even lose your job!

This is why I believe it is important to consider best practices whenever creating reports. Leaders must take the time to make sure their teams understand these practices and live them for the benefit of their team.

What Should I Know About Best Practices?

There are 4 best practices that you should be concerned with when you create your reports. Follow these and you will be well on your way to building quality reports.

Best Practices to Follow #1 – Always Start at Zero

This is a non-negotiable standard when it comes to bar and column charts. They must always start at zero to avoid misleading consumers. This is the most common infraction that I see when it comes to data visualizations.

As discussed above, I can show amplified trends by changing the axis to start at a higher value. This also causes confusion and frustration for report consumers.

Column Chart That Starts at Zero

Best Practices to Follow #2 – Label Your Axis

The next most common ignored best practice is labeling your axis. We see the categorical axis getting a label (category, time, etc.) but he value axis does not get the same love.

To avoid confusion, you will want to label your value axis to match the measures in your chart. There is some flexibility with this as you can change the units to make it easier to read. For example, you can set the units to millions to compress the chart and make it easier to read. While you might be distorting the view some, the labels will clearly define the scale and make it easier to understand.

Labeling Your Categorical Axis and Value Axis

I also recommend using some lines to highlight your axis across the chart. I worked with an organization a few years ago that hated those lines. It was forbidden to add them to any chart in a presentation. While I strongly disagreed with this approach, they used data labels which helped keep things in context when viewing a chart.

Best Practices to Follow #3 – Use Data Labels to Highlight Key Values

My friend and colleague Sally Paczosa always used the term “hover to discover”. I stole her line and say it all the time when it comes to reviewing reports in Power BI. If I want to know the actual number, I can hover over a column or bar and see what the value is. It is one of the best features that people forget about when it comes to reporting.

But as much as I love it, I always have to consider my audience for a report. If my consumers are fluent with tools like Power BI, they already know what to do. Without proper training, they might miss that opportunity and never actually do it. In the same vein, I have to consider the venue they will consume the report. They can “hover to discover” all day long at their computer. But what if they are in a town hall meeting looking at a chart being presented? How can they view the actuals?

Data labels allow us to quickly identify key measures on a report and allow us to add context quickly. This prevents the fatigue of trying to match columns to the axis and accelerates understanding.

Using Data Labels on a Column Chart

Best Practices to Follow #4 – Add Lines for Clarity

I like adding lines to help provide better context and clarity to a chart. This is extremely helpful for reports that will be consumed without a talk track behind them. You can highlight common statistical measures such as maximum, minimum, mean, or median. You can even add a constant line if you want to highlight a particular goal. If not used properly, it could clutter your charts. However, properly placed it could make a huge difference.

Adding a Constant Line to Highlight a Goal

Best Practices Apply to Chart Types as Well!

Which is better? A bar chart or column chart? The answer will depend on the context of your data and the intent of your visualization. Here are some thoughts to help you make the right selection

Column Chart vs Bar Chart

People tend to use these terms interchangeably but don’t realize there is a difference between a bar and column chart. In a bar chart, the data is represented horizontally. Column charts represent the data vertically.

Column Chart vs Bar Chart

While it may seem inconsequential to interchangeably use these terms, it is important to really understand the difference to help represent your data.

Column Charts

Column charts can be used for categorical data, but they often shine when it comes to series based data. The natural left to right progression of the canvas allows users to follow a timeline to see trends.

They also shine because the vertical orientation of the values is easier to grasp some statistical measures such as maximum and minimum. It is less cluttered in this orientation and the labels are easier to read.

Bar Charts

Bar charts do an amazing job of showing large amounts of data in a compressed area. If you have long list of category labels, they tend to fit better horizontally. This prevents crowding and confusion.

In addition, they do a great job of allowing users to scroll down for large amounts of data. Naturally, your venue is going to have an impact on this functionality. You cannot just scroll down on a chart if you are in the audience of a town hall meeting. But for reports that are consumable at your desk, it is easy to scroll down and see more information.

Stacked and 100% and Clustered, Oh My!

Now that you have a hint at which direction you want your charts, it is time to pick the right one. If you only have a single series of data, then you could pick a stacked or clustered chart and it would not make a difference. But depending on what you are trying to show, it is important to pick the right chart.


Stacked charts show the composite makeup of the whole value. Let’s stay I own a store but recently started selling my products online. I might want to see the breakdown of my revenue from my store versus online. A stacked column chart allows me to quickly identify the makeup of revenue which can help provide context. For example, if I have a month with higher than expected revenue, I might see that online sales were higher than in the past.

Example of a Stacked Column Chart

While this chart style is versatile and useful, it is not always easy to make comparisons. The orientation of the values makes it difficult for one to one comparisons.

100% Stacked

Similar to the stacked chart, 100% stacked charts show data in a similar format. The biggest difference is that the bar or column do not show totals. Instead, it shows the percentage of the composite elements.

Take our store versus online sales question. If you looked at the chart above, you could see the breakdown. But what if I wanted to understand the percentage of my sales that were in my store versus online. I could do some math to figure it out, but it is easier to show in the 100% stacked chart.

Example of a 100% Stacked Bar Chart

This is where the 100% stacked chart shines. It allows us to understand distribution a little easier which gives us a better comparison. We can quickly identify trends of online sales and see if they are increasing, decreasing, or remaining flat over time. The only downside is that you cannot see the overall totals.


Clustered charts allow for quick comparisons. Not as precise as the other two charts, it does a good job of allowing you to compare two values side by side. Where most people go wrong is they try to compare categorical data which can get confusing. I like to use it to compare year over year or even month over month data. This allows for a close comparison without a lot of clutter.

Example of a Clustered Column Chart

What If I Am Unsure of Which One to Pick?!

The best part of most tools is that you can quickly change which chart you are using! Try some different ones. Maybe you will need to use a couple of variations to get your data to appear correctly. The goal is to communicate a story. One of my favorite ideas is to show the visualization to someone and have them interpret it for me. Don’t give them any hints – let them tell you. If what they say matches your narrative, then you are likely on the right track!

Next Steps

Now that you have a better understanding of best practices when it comes to bar and column charts, what do you do next? My first recommendation is to go back through your reports and presentations and find out if you were following these best practices. If you weren’t, try to understand why. I find that we tend to take shortcuts to save time when we have a hard deadline coming up. Building in a little extra time in your plan helps ensure nothing gets left out.

What about when we see best practices not being followed? What do we do? I find most people make these mistakes out of ignorance. They might know all of the best practices or how to apply them. I always recommend coaching people and helping them learn. I also find being the best example helps change the behaviors around you. By getting others to follow your lead, you will find others will do the same.

How often do you see these best practices ignored? Do you have any egregious examples? If so, tell me in the comments below!

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