Making sense of challenging data topics one step at a time.

Category: DAX

Self Service Analytics Does Not Equal Easy

This is a difficult post to write. From a personal perspective, I really struggle with this topic. In my daily work, I assist organizations with enabling a self service data strategy. Collaborating together, we spend hours working to find the right path that matches the needs and goals of the organization with the realities of the organization. I am a huge advocate for self service analytics and believe in it. Because of this, I want to be ridiculously helpful with everyone I encounter.

Sadly, I run into people on a regular basis that want “a little help” to perform some analysis with Power BI or Excel. The problem with this is that the ask is quite complicated. The reality of my situation is that I can make the ask happen quickly. I can spend an hour or two on a report and it will look beautiful. Having worked with Power BI for almost ten years, I have a pile of experience to make it happen efficiently. But the requestor wants me to help them build it themselves. This takes three to five times longer because I am guiding someone through the process. And I am all for doing this because it helps enable another person to use Power BI or Excel.

While I am all for helping people, I find that their interest in learning about these tools is often non-existent. They have a goal in mind that needs to be completed and they think Power BI or Excel is an easy way out. It is a self service analytics tool, so it should be easy! And yet they find the opposite. Without taking taking the time to understand the basics, they end up lost.

What makes this hard for myself and others is that it cheapens the skills we possess as data professionals. Data is not easy. Personally, I find this approach to be a little insulting. So how do we fix this problem?

Setting Expectations for Self Service Analytics

I started responding to every request I receive with clear expectations around self service analytics. I explain the challenges and skills they need to possess before they embark on such a project. Sometimes this scares them off, but it is reasonable way to find alignment.

I often share the basics they will need to learn to be successful. I start with understanding data modeling. We start by talking about things like building a star schema, using a date table, and managing relationships. Sometimes a flat table from Excel or SharePoint is fine, but other times they want more depth and dimension to their reports. Without this in place, they will never achieve their goal.

Next, we discuss how to build out measures. Like every beginner, including myself at one time, they rely on implicit measures. These measures often provide basic aggregations and get the job done. However, they often ask for something more complex. They need to perform time based analysis or use filtering. They are going to need to learn how to write DAX expressions for explicit measures.

Lastly, we will discuss what report design looks like. Often, I have a theme file or template for the organization available, so this helps with branding. But it is important to address best practices with data visualizations. This avoids confusion and provides a better consumer experience.

Assign Some Homework

With expectations set, it is time to assign some homework. Self service analytics requires some investment. But before helping anyone, I assign some basic training. The concept is simple – if someone does not know the basics, they are never going to understand the advanced topics.

Microsoft Learn is my go to for training others around the basics of Power BI. Because it is free, the only real investment is time. It covers a lot of the basics of the tool and allows me to focus on the more advanced topics. I, just like you, need to protect my time. The more I can push to other resources, the easier it is for me to stay focused on my work.

There are two benefits from using this method. First, I can ask for a badge validating that they completed the training. However, I like that this method helps gauge the interest of someone who is asking for help. The course linked above takes about three hours to complete. If they cannot invest three hours in themselves, then why should you invest three hours in them? The answer to that question is up to you, but it sets expectations for the relationship you will encounter through this engagement.

Create Working Sessions

At this point, if they have completed their homework, I recommend creating working sessions to set boundaries. I start with setting up 45 minute sessions with a clear agenda. Ideally, a weekly working session is best. Naturally, you might need to schedule more frequent sessions based upon the business requirements. It is important that you agree upon the cadence to avoid conflict in the future.

For each working session, start with a recap of the previous session. Review the previous topic and any progress made since you last met. Then, work through the assigned topic for the current week. Make sure it is recorded so it can be referenced afterwards. Lastly, decide what the topic of the next working session. This helps keep future sessions focused and your timeline compact.

I recommend that you continue assigning homework. For example, if you have an upcoming working session that will focus on a particular DAX statement, provide resources ahead of time. If you have a measure that needs to use the SWITCH() function, send them to an article like this one to help them understand the concept ahead of time. You can also assign work to be completed in their report before the next session to streamline your working sessions.

As a rule of thumb, I work to keep sessions scheduled. An ad-hoc working session often ends up being a mess. You also have other deliverables and expectations from your leadership that could get in the way. If someone needs time with me between sessions, I generally ask them to schedule it. I feel like the “Can we hop on a quick call? I have a quick question!” conversation always comes at the most inopportune time. Setting these boundaries goes a long way to ensuring you can maintain a balance in your workday.

Provide Some Learning

It never hurts to provide additional learning and training. There are several sources out there. There are several books and sites out there to help. If you need help with Power Query, you can check out my book as an option to assist. If it is with DAX, I recommend The Definitive Guide to DAX by Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari. Lastly, you can suggest Now You See It by Stephen Few if they need help with data visualization.

At some point, you they will need to embrace self service analytics on their own. By providing materials, they can be focused on their learning and be able to sustain their own solutions. These resources will provide assistance both during your working sessions and in the future.

If self service analytics is a goal, investment in learning is key. I see customers who continue to struggle with this because they do not invest in training and learning. When you are working with an individual, at some point they will need to invest more in themselves to achieve that goal. If you do not help them head down that path, you will be stuck helping them forever.


I love helping people discover the world of self service analytics! I hope you are too! Just make sure you help others in a sustainable manner. These types of relationships are good to have, but you need to manage them well. Be ridiculously helpful – just take care of yourself as well!

Have you encountered this situation? Do you struggle with people who think self service analytics is easy? If so, tell me about it in the comments below!

Custom Headers with Calculation Groups

In working with a customer a few weeks back, I ran into another odd scenario. This was a new ask for me, but made sense in a post COVID-19 world. Normally when I build out time intelligence with Calculation Groups, I usually only perform comparisons between the previous year and the current year. However, this customer wanted to go back a few years to be able to see the post COVID-19 impact on their metrics. Naturally, Calculation Groups makes quick work of a request such as this. However, there was no way to create their own custom headers and they found it confusing:

Screenshot of generic headers assigned from calculation groups.
Matrix with generic column headers

The use of generic headers led to confusion when reading the visualization. On top of that, they had a fiscal year that started on July 1st. This made it more complicated to understand which fiscal year they were currently in. In short, they wanted to provide dynamic column headers in the matrix visual that aligned with the associated fiscal year. If you were looking at the 2023-2024 fiscal year, the labels need to translate accordingly:

Calculation Group LabelCustom Column Label
YoYChange from Last Year
YoY_Pct% Change from Last Year
CYm3 Year End2020-2021 YE
CYm3 Variance YE2020-2021 Var YE
CYm2 Year End2021-2022 YE
CYm2 Variance YE2021-2022 Var YE
CYm1 Year End2022-2023 YE
CYm1 Variance YE2022-2023 Var YE
Generic versus custom labels

Well this was a challenge and upon all of my research, I found a possible solution. And while I was able to get my solution to work, I am not 100% sure that this is still the best solution. However, it worked for my situation. And while the performance is not the greatest, it still got the job done.

To get started, you do need to understand about Calculation Groups and using Tabular Editor. If you have not used them before, the guys over at SQLBI have a great series on how to use Calculation Groups. And if you have not already done so, head over to to download the latest version to create your Calculation Groups. For our scenario today, we are going to assume you already have your Time Intelligence measures setup. Our focus is on applying the logic for the headers.

Creating the Column Headers

There are a few challenges with the creation of these column headers. One, they must map to a calculation group item. Two, they must follow the naming convention outlined above. And three, they must be properly sequenced.

We are building our logic inside of Power Query under the assumption we do not have access to our data source to enact this solution. This allows us to see how versatile Power Query can be for our projects. However, you are welcome to perform this logic upstream in a SQL server if you have one available.

If you are not comfortable with Power Query, I suggest you check out my book which will give you the knowledge and experience to create this table.

Reference your date table

The first step in the process is that we will right click on our date table and reference it in another query. From there, we will right click on the Fiscal Year column and remove all other columns. Once completed, we will remove the duplicates in the fiscal year column so our results look like this:4

Screenshot of our custom column headers query starting with the fiscal year data extracted from bi_date.
Referencing bi_date for our custom column headers

This is the easiest way to ensure that your custom column headers will align with your current date table. This will eliminate any issues with it being out of sync in the future.

Add mappings for Calculation Groups

Our next step is to add our mappings so our custom columns will leverage the right calculation group measures. Referencing the table above, we will add a new column for each calculation group item. We will also fill in the column with the sequence value in the order we wish to display these items.

For each measure, go to the Add Columns ribbon and select Custom Column. Change the column name from “Custom” to your label from the Calculation Group. Then add the sequence number in the formula box below:

Screenshot of creating a custom column for each measure from Calculation Groups
Create a custom column for each measure

When finished, your list of labels should look something like this:

Screenshot of all measures from Calculation Groups added into the query as columns.
All measures loaded as columns

The last thing we need to do is unpivot our columns so they become rows in the dataset. Right click on the Fiscal Year column and select “Unpivot Other Columns”. This will turn the other columns into rows. Rename the columns so they are measure and measure sequence respectively:

Screenshot of measures from the Calculation Groups pivoted into rows
Measures pivoted into rows for use

Now that this has been done, it is time to build out our logic for the labels.

Assigning labels with a conditional column

At this point, you have two choices. Because of the complex nature of our labels, you will need to write them out in the advanced editor. The question is if you would prefer to get the conditional column logic in place first. If you are not comfortable with the logic, you can use the graphical interface to achieve this. Otherwise, you can use if/then/else in the advanced editor.

I am not going to get into the weeds with this code as there were a number of functions used. However, I will provide a full printout of the code for this query when we are finished. In the end, our goal is to have our labels show up accordingly:

Screenshot of custom column header labels for our calculation groups
Creating custom column header labels

This process will take some time, but the trick is to use the measure sequence to make your life easier. By using that, it will make your creation of column headers easier. It takes some practice, but you will get there quickly.

Address sequence of columns

This was the trickiest part. We will implement this solution using conditional columns, but there is a catch. We will be sorting our custom header column with this new sequence column. However, we must have an equally distinct value return for the sequence. So how do we make that work?

The trick is grouping. CY, CYm1, CYm2, and CYm3 will be part of the first group. YoY will be in group 2 and group 3 will be YoY_Pct. Then the year end and year end variance columns will be part of group four.

Now, you might already be concerned about a collision. And you are correct, there is one at this moment. But we are going to do one more thing to fix this. For groups 1 and four, we are going to add the fiscal year as a decimal value. This will allow us to use consistent headers and maintain sequencing. I promise you that I have spent hours figuring this out and I do not know of a better way to achieve this outcome. If you think there is a better way to do it, give it a try. But I know for a fact that this outcome works:

Screenshot of the header sequence column for our custom headers.
Sequence column added for our custom headers

Now that we have this in place, we can look at the final code.

Final Code – Custom Column Headers

As you can tell, this was not an easy process. It took a lot of custom coding to make it work. However, the results will speak for themselves shortly. Regardless, here is the code we used to achieve our outcome:

  Source = bi_date, 
  #"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(
  #"Removed Duplicates" = Table.Distinct(#"Removed Other Columns"), 
  #"Added CY - 3" = Table.AddColumn(#"Removed Duplicates", "CYm3", each 0, Int64.Type), 
  #"Added CY - 2" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CY - 3", "CYm2", each 1, Int64.Type), 
  #"Added CY - 1" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CY - 2", "CYm1", each 2, Int64.Type), 
  #"Added CY" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CY - 1", "CY", each 3, Int64.Type), 
  #"Added YoY" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CY", "YoY", each 4, Int64.Type), 
  #"Added YoY%" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added YoY", "YoY_Pct", each 5, Int64.Type), 
  #"Added CY - 3 YE" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added YoY%", "CYm3 Year End", each 6, Int64.Type), 
  #"Added CY - 3 Var YE" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Added CY - 3 YE", 
    "CYm3 Variance YE", 
    each 7, 
  #"Added CY - 2 YE" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Added CY - 3 Var YE", 
    "CYm2 Year End", 
    each 8, 
  #"Added CY - 2 Var YE" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Added CY - 2 YE", 
    "CYm2 Variance YE", 
    each 9, 
  #"Added CY - 1 YE" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Added CY - 2 Var YE", 
    "CYm1 Year End", 
    each 10, 
  #"Added CY - 1 Var YE" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Added CY - 1 YE", 
    "CYm1 Variance YE", 
    each 11, 
    #"Unpivoted Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(
    #"Added CY - 1 Var YE", 
  #"Added ColumnHeaders" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Unpivoted Columns", 
      if [MeasureSequence] = 0 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 3)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 2)
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 1 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 2)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 1)
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 2 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 1)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear])
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 3 then
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear] + 1)
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 4 then
        "Change from Last Year"
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 5 then
        "% Change from Last Year"
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 6 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 3)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 2)
          & " YE"
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 7 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 3)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 2)
          & " Var YE"
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 8 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 2)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 1)
          & " YE"
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 9 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 2)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 1)
          & " Var YE"
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 10 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 1)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear])
          & " YE"
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 11 then
        Number.ToText([FiscalYear] - 1)
          & "-"
          & Number.ToText([FiscalYear])
          & " Var YE"
    type text
  #"Added HeaderSequence" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Added ColumnHeaders", 
      if [MeasureSequence] = 0 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 3) / 10000) + 1
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 1 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 2) / 10000) + 1
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 2 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 1) / 10000) + 1
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 3 then
        (([FiscalYear]) / 10000) + 1
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 4 then
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 5 then
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 6 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 3) / 10000) + 4
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 7 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 3) / 10000) + 4.00001
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 8 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 2) / 10000) + 4
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 9 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 2) / 10000) + 4.00001
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 10 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 1) / 10000) + 4
      else if [MeasureSequence] = 11 then
        (([FiscalYear] - 1) / 10000) + 4.00001
    type number
    #"Added HeaderSequence"

It almost looks worse than you might imagine. However, keep in mind that some of this is to help ensure we have a solid experience with our custom headers.

At this point, we will close and apply our query changes and load them into our data model.

Preparing the data model

At this point, we have created our custom headers. Next, we must map them for use with our Calculation Groups and fit them into our model. We will need to build a relationship to our custom headers query from our date table and create a custom measure to leverage our calculation group.

Connect date and custom headers table

Our first task is to connect our date table with our custom column headers table. This will filter down our custom column to only show the headers we need for a selected fiscal year. We will simply connect the fiscal year columns on both tables to build the relationship.

Now, you might be concerned about the many to many relationship being established. While often discouraged, there are times where they are required. This is one of those moments. We will go ahead and click OK to create the relationship:

Screenshot of the many to many relationship being created between the date and custom column headers tables.
Connecting the date and custom column headers tables

With this relationship in place, we can now focus on creating a measure to return our desired results!

Custom measure for Calculation Groups

The last step before we create our visualization is to create a measure that leverages our calculation groups, but it is performed from the custom column headers table. A fun fact that you might not realize is that you can use your calculation groups as a filter in a CALCULATE() function. We are going to use the measures we created inside of the custom column headers table to perform that exact filtering!

The formula is simple. We are going to use CALCULATE(), call our Revenue measure, and select our time intelligence measure to apply. The result is a measure that looks like this:

Total Revenue = 
       TimeIntelligence[Name] = MAX ( CustomColumnHeaders[Measure] )

With our measures set, we just need to create our matrix.

Add custom headers to our matrix

To complete the process, we need to simply update our matrix. For the column headers, replace the time intelligence field with the custom headers from our custom column headers table. We then need to replace our measure with our new custom measure to ensure the data comes back correctly. The result is the following:

Screenshot of our custom column headers associated with our calculation groups.
Custom column headers for our matrix

This is quite the process to setup, but it can be rewarding if it works out. It will stretch your skills in a few areas within Power BI. However, the results speak for themselves.

Anything else to consider?

Keep in mind that if you go this route, updating the logic with your calculation groups will grow increasingly complex. If you need to add a new measure, this will add an additional burden to the update process. Each new item will need to be updated manually in Power Query resulting in additional effort.

My recommendation is that you take the time upfront to establish all of the requirements. This will help avoid future rework in the future.


First of all, you read all of this and understood it – congratulations! This is a very complex topic and not easy to digest. You might need to re-read this article a few times to fully comprehend what happened, but I promise it will work out. What is important is that you have a grasp of the key elements.

So have you ever ran into a requirement like this? Do you have a more efficient way to achieve this outcome? Do you plan on using something like this in the future? Tell me about it in the comments below!

Dynamically Compare Customers in a Report

I was working with a customer recently and she came up with an interesting use case with Power BI. The idea was simple – she needs to compare a manufacturer against the top three manufacturers within a period of time. Thinking it was pretty straight forward, I suggested she just use a bar chart and filter down to those manufacturers and call it a day. If only it were that simple!

She came back and said well I need to dynamically select the chosen manufacturers. And in a perfect world, I would like to change the threshold of top manufacturers. Naturally, this whole scenario became far more complex! Being someone who does not back down from a challenge, I decided to give it a shot!

To help break down how this will work, I decided to use DAX Studio. It is a free tool that you can download and install from here. This is not a prerequisite, but it does make explaining the measure easier.

Part 1 – Design the measure in DAX Studio

The first step in the process is that we have to build out our base query. To start, we will pull back a list of manufacturers and the revenue associated with them. We will return that query ordered by the manufacturer with the highest revenue at the top:

DAX Studio window with a list of manufacturers and their associated revenue totals.
List of all manufacturers and their associated revenue totals

Next, we need to limit the list to only the top number of manufacturers selected. We will add a variable with a hard coded value of three for now. However, we will make it dynamic later on. We also need to add a filter to our list of manufacturers so only the top three return. We will use RANKX() to achieve that result.

Query in DAX Studio updated to only return the top three manufacturers and their associated revenue totals.
Returning the top three manufacturers by revenue

Next, we want to declare a manufacturer and return the associated revenue. For now, we will hard code the manufacturer Fama and update it later. We will then return the revenue associated with our selected manufacturer.

Screenshot of DAX Studio showing the top three manufacturers revenue plus our revenue for Fama.
Final code from DAX Studio

If you are following along at home, the final code for what we put together in DAX Studio is as follows:

    VAR TopRank = 3
    VAR SelectedManufacturer = "Fama"
    VAR ListOfManufacturers =
        ADDCOLUMNS (
            SUMMARIZE ( bi_manufacturer, bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] ),
            "Revenue", [Revenue]
    VAR FilteredList =
        FILTER (
            RANKX ( ListOfManufacturers, [Revenue],, DESC ) <= TopRank
    VAR SelectedManufacturerRevenue =
        CALCULATE ( [Revenue], bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] = SelectedManufacturer )
    VAR UnifiedList =
        UNION (
            { ( SelectedManufacturer, SelectedManufacturerRevenue ) }


With that set, we can now turn our attention back to Power BI to prepare our report for the next step.

Part 2 – Preparing Power BI

There are two elements we must prepare for this scenario. First, we must prepare an independent manufacturing list. To avoid any conflicts with filtering, we must create this as a new query that parallels our existing bi_manufacturing table and is used in our calculation.

Next, we will need to add our top manufacturer threshold selection. Right now we hard coded the value three in our formula, but we want it to be dynamic. We will use a what-if parameter to achieve that goal.

Preparing the manufacturer list

The next step in our process is to prepare a list of distinct manufacturers. You could choose to create a DAX table to achieve this, but I suggest performing this in Power Query. I simply referenced my bi_manufacturer table, removed my extra columns, and updated the name to ManufacturerList.

Image of my prepared manufacturer list inside of Power Query.
List of manufacturers in Power Query

Next, I will need to create a measure to identify the selected manufacturer. This will allow me to select my manufacturer from a list. And if a single value has not been selected, it will return a blank value instead.

Selected Manufacturer = SELECTEDVALUE(ManufacturerList[Manufacturer], "")

With all of this in place, we just need to add a slicer on our report page.

Screenshot of our Top N Compare report canvas with the Manufacturer slicer present and set to Fama.
Top N Compare report page with Fama selected from the ManufacturerList

With this in place, it is time to add our threshold measure.

Preparing the Top N selector

In the past, I wrote an article on leveraging What If Parameters in Power BI. In that scenario, we used a decimal value for percentages. Instead, we will use whole numbers for this situation. However, a small change has occurred since that article was published. Now, there are two types of parameters we can select. We will be selecting the numeric parameter to achieve our goal. Head to the modeling ribbon and select the numeric range option from the new parameter dropdown. You will need to update the highlighted fields below:

Screenshot of selecting and updating a numeric range parameter in Power BI.
Adding a numeric range parameter in Power BI

Leaving the add slicer option checked, click create. This will generate a new table and measure that will work in concert with the new slicer. We do not have to do anything extra at this point, but it is worth noting that you could choose to create these elements manually if you choose.

Part 3 – Modify DAX Studio code for use in Power BI

Time for the grand finale! With all our hard work, the last few steps are about making some small adjustments to our DAX Studio code. We will start by creating a new measure and adapting our code for use in Power BI.

Taking the code from above, the first step is to remove the word DEFINE from the block. Next, we will update our hard coded values for top rank and selected manufacturer. If you create a report measures table, note that the [Top N Manufacturer Value] will not appear there unless you move it. Check under that new table we created.

Next, we will add a new variable at the top called CustomerLine and use it to bridge our revenue to the right customer. The code will look like this:

VAR ManufacturerLine = MAX(bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer])

Lastly, we will change our EVALUATE to a RETURN and update the value to perform a SUMX() on the revenue of our unified list where the ManufacturerLine value matches the Manufacturer. Our final code for our measure should look like this:

VAR TopRank = [Top N Manufacturers Value]
VAR SelectedManufacturer = [Selected Manufacturer]
VAR ManufacturerLine =
    MAX ( bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] )
VAR ListOfManufacturers =
        SUMMARIZE ( bi_manufacturer, bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] ),
        "Revenue", [Revenue]
VAR FilteredList =
    FILTER (
        RANKX ( ListOfManufacturers, [Revenue],, DESC ) <= TopRank
VAR SelectedManufacturerRevenue =
    CALCULATE ( [Revenue], bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] = SelectedManufacturer )
VAR UnifiedList =
    UNION (
        { ( SelectedManufacturer, SelectedManufacturerRevenue ) }
    SUMX ( FILTER ( UnifiedList, [Manufacturer] = ManufacturerLine ), [Revenue] )

At this point, I added my Top N Revenue measure to my table to compare and I discovered two issues. One, it is returning revenue for every line, not just the Top N and the selected manufacturer. But in addition, it is doubling the revenue for Fama:

Screenshot of issues from our new Top N Revenue measure.
Top N Revenue measure not working properly

To fix every value coming back, we will simply add an ALL() around our original list of manufacturers. This will make sure all manufacturers are accounted for in this calculation:

VAR TopRank = [Top N Manufacturers Value]
VAR SelectedManufacturer = [Selected Manufacturer]
VAR ManufacturerLine =
    MAX ( bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] )
VAR ListOfManufacturers =
        SUMMARIZE ( ALL ( bi_manufacturer ), bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] ),
        "Revenue", [Revenue]
VAR FilteredList =
    FILTER (
        RANKX ( ListOfManufacturers, [Revenue],, DESC ) <= TopRank
VAR SelectedManufacturerRevenue =
    CALCULATE ( [Revenue], bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] = SelectedManufacturer )
VAR UnifiedList =
    UNION (
        { ( SelectedManufacturer, SelectedManufacturerRevenue ) }
    SUMX ( FILTER ( UnifiedList, [Manufacturer] = ManufacturerLine ), [Revenue] )

To avoid a potential collision where our selected manufacturer is also in our top list, we just need to add some logic in our return statement to see if our manufacturer is present. If it is, simply return the value from the top list and move on.

VAR TopRank = [Top N Manufacturers Value]
VAR SelectedManufacturer = [Selected Manufacturer]
VAR ManufacturerLine =
    MAX ( bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] )
VAR ListOfManufacturers =
        SUMMARIZE ( ALL ( bi_manufacturer ), bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] ),
        "Revenue", [Revenue]
VAR FilteredList =
    FILTER (
        RANKX ( ListOfManufacturers, [Revenue],, DESC ) <= TopRank
VAR SelectedManufacturerRevenue =
    CALCULATE ( [Revenue], bi_manufacturer[Manufacturer] = SelectedManufacturer )
VAR UnifiedList =
    UNION (
        { ( SelectedManufacturer, SelectedManufacturerRevenue ) }
    IF (
        SUMX ( FILTER ( FilteredList, [Manufacturer] = ManufacturerLine ), [Revenue] ) > 0,
        SUMX ( FILTER ( FilteredList, [Manufacturer] = ManufacturerLine ), [Revenue] ),
        SUMX ( FILTER ( UnifiedList, [Manufacturer] = ManufacturerLine ), [Revenue] )

And the results speak for themselves:

Screenshot of the Top N Revenue values corrected.
Top N Revenue working properly

Is it a lot of work to enact? Yes. But is there an opportunity to extract valuable insights from this type of report? Also yes.

Where to go next?

If you want to take this to the next level, consider adding some conditional formatting. Go back and read my article on creating conditional formatting with a column chart. This will allow you to call out your selected manufacturer a lot easier. It is a small adjustment, but it could go a long way to enhancing your report design.

It is worth considering that my queries to achieve this outcome were very simple. Depending on what measures you are comparing, this could become a very cumbersome solution. It is important that you take the time to review your report’s performance and ensure it does not overwhelm your capacity in the Power BI Service. Use the performance analyzer and continue to tune your measures to ensure no issues with rendering this data.


This is a bit of a challenging project. Even while writing this one, I was getting exhausted. It seems simple in practice, but it does require a lot of effort to achieve this desired outcome. I hope if you run into a scenario where you have this requirement that you will find this solution helpful!

So, have you seen anything like this before? Have you run into challenges like this? If so, make sure to share in the comments below!

Conditional Formatting with a Column Chart?!

In my article last week, I explored how to compare a goal built off last year’s revenue compared to this year’s actuals. Some of you might be thinking that system worked, but it felt cluttered. I would agree with you. I like using cluster charts in the right scenario, but I think we can do better. A couple of weeks ago, I did an article on why I love using conditional formatting to highlight important values. You also might remember that it was focused on using the table or matrix visual.

A little known fact is that you can leverage conditional formatting in other visuals. Imagine using conditional formatting to quickly identify which months we hit or missed our goal. I thought it would be great to dig into some options to really make your column charts pop!

Using Some Conditional Formatting Magic

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article on how to do perform field based conditional formatting. The same principle applies to building out our formatting in our charts. I start by building a measure that compares current year revenue to our goal.

CY Revenue Color = 
        [CY Revenue] >= [CY Goal], "Green", 
        [CY Revenue] >= ([CY Goal] * .90), "Yellow",

The formatting will show green if revenue exceeds our goal. We then identify any months that reached 90% of their goal in yellow to highlight that they were close, but did not quite make it. Then any months where we missed our goal, it now shows in red.

Now we need to apply the formatting to our chart. After selecting the visual, we need to go to the visual properties pane. Then you need to expand the columns section and click on the “fx” button. From there, just select the field value formatting style and select the CY Revenue Color measure we just created.

Applying our measure for conditional formatting.

The result is a chart that looks like this:

Field based conditional formatting on a column chart

It was a few extra steps, but it makes it clear we started the year off strong, but have some work to do to get back on track. Amazing what a little color can do!

This Is Great, But…..

I know what you are about to say – “I love the color, but it is hard to see how this compares to the actual goal. Can we do something about it?” Of course we can!

When traditional conditional formatting lets off, we can build our own with a series of measures. Using a stacked column chart and a few measures, we can show our revenue versus the goal to make it easier to see. We need to build four measures to make it easy to track against our goals: Revenue up to our goal, revenue that exceeds our goal, revenue short of our goal, and revenue left to meet our goal. Yes, it seems complicated, but just wait until you see the final product.

Our first measure will calculate the CY Revenue that is up to our designated goal. If we exceed the goal, we will just return the CY Goal instead and represent the remainder of the revenue in another measure.

CY Revenue to Goal = 
IF([CY Revenue] >= [CY Goal], [CY Goal], [CY Revenue])

Next, we want to show anything that is over our goal in another measure. Using a similar formula, we will calculate the difference of CY Revenue and the CY Goal. Note there is no else statement as we are only interested in revenue over our goal.

CY Revenue Over Goal = 
IF([CY Revenue] >= [CY Goal], [CY Revenue] - [CY Goal])

Next, we want to calculate the amount we missed our goal by taking by looking at months were we missed our revenue goal.

CY Revenue Short of Goal = 
IF([CY Revenue] < [CY Goal] && 
     MAX(SalesAggregated[Month]) <= EOMONTH(TODAY(), -1), 
     [CY Goal] - [CY Revenue])

We don’t want our chart to show missed revenue for months that have not happened yet. We also don’t want to show missed revenue for our current month but rather as revenue to go. By using EOMONTH(), I am able to take the end of the month that we are in today and subtract a month so it will only summarize data before my current month.

Now doing something similar, I can calculate the revenue that still has to happen before the end of my current month. We will essentially do the same measure as above but looking forward.

CY Revenue to Go = 
IF(MAX(SalesAggregated[Month]) > EOMONTH(TODAY(), -1), 
     [CY Goal] - [CY Revenue])

And with a little color assigned in the, we can make our chart pop!

Homemade conditional formatting using some measures and custom colors

Which Method When?

Both methods work really well for providing conditional formatting. But one obviously takes a lot more effort to create. And beyond that, I need to make sure my DAX is clean and doesn’t slow down my report.

Why would I go down this route? I find that sometimes you have a stakeholder who really likes to get into the minutiae of the data and wants to be able to accurately see their plan versus actuals. This might have been a little more complicated than required, but I wanted to show you how granular you can get.

From my experience, most people do not want to get this granular with their reports. But in case you run into someone who really wants some additional detail, you now know how to make it happen.

Have you run into something like this before? Have you been asked to add some formatting to your column charts? Are you going to start doing it? Tell me in the comments below!

What If Scenarios in a Power BI Data Model

What If? A common question we ask all the time. What if we increased our revenue 20% from last year? What if we increased our margins by 2%? We ask these questions frequently, but do we do anything to solidify next steps to figure these things out?

Power BI makes it easy for us to run these scenarios in a dynamic format with What If Parameters. However, I find most people avoid using them because they need to do some DAX to integrate them. Today, I want to demystify this and help you build out your own scenarios. Our scenario will allow us to create a revenue goal that we can adjust based upon the previous year.

Setting Up Our Revenue Measures

To get started, it is important to build a measure to calculate both our current year and previous year revenue. This will provide a base to perform our comparisons.

I start with a base calculation that will summarize our sales data for the current year:

CY Revenue = 

Which results in this column chart:

Current Year Revenue in a Column Chart

Next, we will leverage our current year revenue to calculate the past year’s revenue:

PY Revenue = 
CALCULATE([CY Revenue],   SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(SalesAggregated[Month]))

This results in the clustered column chart we created in my article last week:

The result of our measures allows us to see the previous year’s revenue for all of 2021, but only the current year revenue for Q1 of 2022. Our goal is to next add a What If Parameter so we can create our 2022 goals.

How Does a What If Parameter Work?

What If Parameters are built out in the Power BI Report. In fact, when you create a parameter, it does a lot of the hard work for you. Let’s start by creating a parameter and see what happens in the background.

Creating a What If Parameter

To get started, go to the modeling tab and select new parameter. A new window will appear which will require some input. First thing we will want to do is set our parameter name. I am calling mine “Revenue Increase %”.

Next, we need to configure the parameter. Because we are working with percentages, we need to change the data type to decimal number. Then, we need to set our minimum and maximum values. Because we do not want to lose revenue, our minimum will be zero. Our maximum will be 2 which will allow a 200% increase of revenue.

Lastly, we need to set the incremental value. We are going to specify .05 which will allow 5% increments. We will also set our default our value at zero. You will also notice that there is a box checked to add a slicer to the report canvas. We will leave that checked and click ok.

Setting Up a What If Parameter in Power BI

The most obvious item created is the slicer that appears on the canvas. But there is so much more to this simple process that happens in the background.

What Else Is Created With a What If Parameter?

To answer that question, let’s head over to the table view of the report. A new calculated table shows up on the left hand side that matches the name of our parameter. When we select it, you can see there is only one column which lists our percentages from 0 to 200 in decimal format.

But how do we leverage these numbers? The slicer will limit which value is being used, but how do I build a relationship to my revenue? While there is only one column on the table, there is a measure that was created as well:

Revenue Increase % Value = 
SELECTEDVALUE('Revenue Increase %'[Revenue Increase %], 0)

The SELECTEDVALUE() function looks for the value you have selected with the slicer and returns a single value. In this scenario, it is looking for a single percentage value in that column that was created. If it finds more than one value, it returns a zero instead.

Is There Any Other Setup Required Before We Use It?

At this point, everything is in place for a usable What If Parameter. However, I am always a fan of cosmetics and making things look a little cleaner. Everything is currently in a decimal format, but we are looking at everything in percentages. As a result, we will want to select both the column and the measure created and make sure they are formatted as a percentage with no values after the decimal place.

Formatting What If Parameters for Percentages

We can also consider adding a card to help highlight the percentage we want to use over last years numbers so it is easy to find. We can use that measure created to make it easier to see on the report canvas. This is helpful if you are syncing the slicer across multiple report pages.

Our What If Parameter on the Report Canvas

It is important to understand what is being built in the background because it lays the groundwork for using the What If Parameter in our report.

Applying a What If Parameter

Now that our parameter is set, we need to apply it to our report. The first step is creating a new measure that will calculate our goal.

CY Goal = 
[PY Revenue] * ([Revenue Increase % Value] + 1)

If you remember, our goal was to calculate our current year goal as a percentage over our previous year revenue. To accomplish this, we used our previous year measure and multiplied it against the measure we created from our What If Parameter and added one. Why add one? Because we want to grow our revenue, so we add one to set the base as 100% and can grow it from there.

With our new measure created, we can apply it to our column chart:

Previous Year Revenue, Current Year Revenue, and Current Year Goal in a Clustered Column Chart

Now that everything is in place, you can adjust the goal at the beginning of the year to set the goal. At the end of the year, you can easily adjust the goal to align with what happened over the entire year to determine what your goal is for next year.

Next Steps

We started with a single What If Parameter, but if you have multiple you want to adjust, you can create more of them. In the event that you have a complicated list of values that has a lot of rules, you can consider some other options as well. While we did create everything with a few clicks, you have the ability to write all of the DAX on your own. You can build out a table, create the slicer, and a measure to leverage it. The reality is you can create flexible parameters to meet any scenario!

How about you? Do you have any reports that could benefit from a little flexibility? Have you used What If Parameters before? If so, tell me in the comments below!

SWITCH()-ing Up Your Conditional Statements

Excel Power Users are fans of the classic IF() statement. Powerful as it may be, it can get quite confusing when you nest them together. If you have never used the SWITCH() function in DAX, then you are missing out on an opportunity to simplify your conditional statements.

Complications of IF() Statements

Like you, I have used IF() for years. It has served me well and I have relied upon it for years. However, I always found it cumbersome when I needed complicated logic.

Let’s start with a basic list of vehicle models manufactured by Ford. If I wanted to quickly flag a particular model, I could do so with a basic IF() statement.

Ford F-150 Flag = 
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "F-150", "Yes", "No")
List of models produced by Ford Motor Company

Where it gets complicated is when you nest your IF() statements. If I wanted to categorize the vehicles by type (truck, SUV, car, etc.), this would require a more complicated statement.

Vehicle Type IF = 
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "F-150", "Truck",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "F-250", "Truck",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "F-350", "Truck",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Ranger", "Truck",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Maverick", "Truck",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Mustang", "Car",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Explorer", "SUV",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Escape", "SUV",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Expedition", "SUV",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Edge", "SUV",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Bronco", "SUV",
IF ('Model List'[Model] = "Transit", "Van", "Error" 

While effective, it becomes complicated. The DAX is bulky and requires you to maintain a number of parentheses to complete the formula. While harmless on its own, it could become cumbersome if you need to interject this into a larger formula.

Now, you might be reading this code and say “Hey Dom! There is a way to simplify this IF() statement! ” You are correct and I will review those methods shortly but let’s keep the statement simple for now.

SWITCH() It Up and Clean It Up

I can take that basic IF() statement and simplify it using the SWITCH() function. This function allows you to simplify the logic so it is easier to manage. The basic syntax of the function is:

SWITCH(<expression>, <value>, <response> [, <value>, <response>, … ] [, <else>])

Simply put, this function will evaluate an expression and compare it to a list of values and provide the appropriate response. It also contains an else clause which fills in any other gaps you might have. If we apply it to our complicated IF() statement, we can simplify it to this:

Vehicle Type SWITCH =
SWITCH ('Model List'[Model],
    "F-150", "Truck",
    "F-250", "Truck",
    "F-350", "Truck",
    "Ranger", "Truck",
    "Maverick", "Truck",
    "Mustang", "Car",
    "Explorer", "SUV",
    "Escape", "SUV",
    "Expedition", "SUV",
    "Edge", "SUV",
    "Bronco", "SUV",
    "Transit", "Van",

Now that is much easier to read and understand. The SWITCH() function will evaluate which model is selected and then check it against a list of values. If the model is found in the list, then it will bring back a response. If the model is missing, then it will bring back “Error” as specified in the else statement.

Same results with different functions

But the really cool part about the SWITCH() function is that we can flip it upside down. Instead of specifying an expression and checking it against a value, we can specify a value and check it against a list of expressions. Let’s say we want to bucket the price of the F-150 line of trucks. Since there are different trim packages, the range is quite considerable. We can use SWITCH() to accomplish this goal.

Price Buckets = 
    'Model List'[Price] <= 36000, "Low",
    'Model List'[Price] <= 55000, "Mid",
    'Model List'[Price] > 55000, "High"
Prices bucketed by SWITCH()

In this expression, the value we are looking for is TRUE(). From there, our list of expressions will come back either TRUE() or FALSE(). I can still accomplish the same with an IF() statement, but this is so much cleaner.

Price Buckets =
IF ('Model List'[Price] <= 36000, "Low",
    IF ('Model List'[Price] <= 55000, "Mid",
        IF ('Model List'[Price] > 55000, "High"

Both methods work well, but the SWITCH() function keeps the code clean. This will be important as we start to build more complicated measures.

SWITCH()-ing Directions

So far we have only been working with simple logic statements. However, sometimes these logic statements become far more complicated. In our list of F-150s, there are two models which are classified as emergency vehicles. They are not to be sold to the general public. We also have a sport and electric trucks that are not part of our standard report. As a result, we want to clean up our reporting and remove them from our pricing buckets. Let’s try a few different ways to manage this.

Option 1 – Add Model Types to the SWITCH() Statement

The easiest option to start is to add the model types to the SWITCH() statement we used above. This will require us to add three values to our SWITCH statement to clean up the list.

Price Buckets v1 = 
    'Model List'[Model] = "Emergency", "N/A",
    'Model List'[Model] = "Electric", "N/A",
    'Model List'[Model] = "Sport", "N/A",
    'Model List'[Price] <= 36000, "Low",
    'Model List'[Price] <= 55000, "Mid",
    'Model List'[Price] > 55000, "High"

There is nothing wrong with this method as it works well, but we can simplify those three lines into a single line.

Option 2 – AND/OR Modifiers

In the first section I mentioned there was a way to simplify our IF() statements. Excel users are very familiar with using AND()/OR() statements to handle multiple logic arguments at once. The only catch is that these functions can handle two arguments at once. Since we have three vehicle types to consider, we will need to chain two items together.

Price Buckets v2 = 
    OR ('Model List'[Model] = "Emergency" OR ('Model List'[Model] = "Electric", 'Model List'[Model] = "Sport")), "N/A",
    'Model List'[Price] <= 36000, "Low",
    'Model List'[Price] <= 55000, "Mid",
    'Model List'[Price] > 55000, "High"

This method works, but like the IF() statements, they get complicated very quickly. This is not clean and hard to maintain if you want to modify the list of model types in the future.

Option 3 – Using AND/OR Without Functions

A hidden secret with conditional statements is how to use AND/OR without the function. We can substitute AND() with “&&” to chain as many statements together as we want. Also, we can substitute OR() with “||” and accomplish the same thing. This eliminates the need to manage the parentheses associated with the functions

Price Buckets v3 = 
    'Model List'[Model] = "Emergency" || 'Model List'[Model] = "Electric" || 'Model List'[Model] = "Sport", "N/A",
    'Model List'[Price] <= 36000, "Low",
    'Model List'[Price] <= 55000, "Mid",
    'Model List'[Price] > 55000, "High"

This method still works well, but it is still not the cleanest way to keep everything together.

Option 4 – Combine SWITCH() Statements

Since we have a specific list of vehicle types that should not be bucketed, we can use one statement to handle which vehicle types should not be bucketed while another assigns buckets to vehicles that can be bucketed.

Price Buckets v4 = 
    ( 'Model List'[Model] ) IN { "Emergency", "Electric", "Sport" }, "N/A",
    SWITCH (TRUE (),
        'Model List'[Price] <= 36000, "Low",
        'Model List'[Price] <= 55000, "Mid",
        'Model List'[Price] > 55000, "High"

In this sample code, we have used two SWITCH() functions. The first function simply checks the vehicle model information. I even cleaned up the expression to evaluate the vehicle model similar to a IN expression found with SQL statements.

I then took a second function that came through in the else statement to evaluate the price bucket for models not already dispositioned in the first SWITCH() function.

Thinking About SWITCH()-ing?

Now, I will admit that I am complicating the formula in that last option. But I wanted to show how easy it can be to inject a SWITCH() function inside of an existing function. It took me a while to get used to using SWITCH(). In fact, before writing this article, I still used IF() because I did not think I could chain AND()/OR() functions. After trying it out for this article, I even learned that I can probably eliminate IF() from most of my DAX formulas.

Are you using SWITCH() at all with your DAX formulas? Do you think it is easier than IF()? Tell me in the comments below!

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